My name is Frans and I'm from Sweden. I aim to be extremely helpful and always strive to do my best. My desire is to become an influential artist with the goal to grow wherever I go while leaving each place a little better. My long-term goal is to become an Art Director. My most developed skills are concept art and Illustration (2D art). I also work with some 3D programs and I’m always eager to learn new programs and skills. 
My main interest is gaming and game art. I became a dedicated gamer at the age of four. I have always liked games and I am interested in all types of games. My main interest is how stories are told in these mediums and different genres like adventure, action, and horror games. Vr technology seems like a super exciting medium that I would really like to dive into more in the future. 
I improve my art skills, work on side projects, and hang out with friends and family in my free time.   
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